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Remake's Fashion Accountability Report 2024: Here's How You Have the Power to Reshape Sustainable Industries

The Fashion Accountability Report by Remake is a guide that highlights the negative impact of unsustainable practices within the fashion industry. It sheds light on the overproduction and insufficient emission reduction present in the industry. 

The report emphasizes the need for consumer education and engagement to reshape the sustainability narrative. By delving into the findings of this report, we can reflect on the importance of our collective sustainable actions to create a better future.

The Current State of Fashion 

The report's revelations paint a stark picture: despite promises of change, the industry's progress remains stagnant, with companies failing to meet accountability standards across critical areas such as traceability, wages, and environmental justice

Overproduction remains a fundamental challenge, underscoring the urgency for a paradigm shift towards circularity and responsible production practices.

Key Insights from the Report

Traceability: A Critical Lens into Supply Chains

Transparency in the fashion industry is crucial, and traceability is key to achieving it. The Remake report exposes the alarming absence of traceability in the supply chains of major fashion brands. 

Brands like Inditex, Burberry, and Chanel fail in this area, leaving consumers unaware of their clothing's origins and sustainability impact.

Wages and Wellbeing: Bridging the Gap

Although fair compensation is often discussed, the situation for garment workers is still challenging. The report reveals the ongoing inequality between minimum wages and what is needed to survive, leading to a cycle of poverty and exploitation

By demanding that companies pay their workers fairly, consumers can advocate for the rights and livelihoods of workers worldwide.

Environmental Justice: Amplifying Voices

Climate change has been raising inequalities, and it is the fashion industry's responsibility to acknowledge and address its part in perpetuating these environmental injustices. 

The recent report by Remake illuminates the disproportionate impacts of climate events on garment workers and supplier communities and urges companies to invest in resilience and adaptation strategies. We must prioritize the voices of marginalized communities to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

Empowering Consumer Action: The Role of HundredX

We are strong believers in the power of consumers, and we are proud to support them during Earth Month. From April 4th to May 7th, our nonprofit organization, the Undie Chest, partnered with HundredX Causes to run a data collection campaign with a clear purpose. Our goal was to empower our community to become active agents of change and drive tangible impact toward a more sustainable future.

By sharing their opinions on brands and services, our community of planet-conscious individuals contributed to a collective effort to hold companies accountable and advocate for sustainability.

If you missed the chance to share your voice, you can still make a difference by recycling your bras with one of our retail partners and consciously choose to contribute to a circular economy.

The Undie Chest's Earth Month Initiative

Beyond addressing environmental concerns, the Undie Chest's Earth Month initiative is committed to restoring dignity to underserved communities. For every survey completed, HundredX donates $1.60 to the Undie Chest, which goes toward purchasing essential undergarments for those in need; the initiative bridges the gap between sustainability and social impact, illustrating the interconnected nature of our global challenges.

Elevating Earth Day

As we commemorate Earth Day, it's imperative to recognize its significance as a catalyst for collective action. Beyond a symbolic observance, Earth Day serves as a rallying cry for individuals and organizations alike to amplify their efforts toward a more sustainable future. We can foster a culture of conscious consumption and responsible stewardship by leveraging this momentum.

Change Starts with You

The report from Remake and the campaign by HundredX highlight the importance of empowerment and accountability in the fashion industry. We can steer the industry towards a more sustainable future by utilizing data and collective action. By working together, we can create a future where accountability is a guiding principle, helping us to achieve a more fair and resilient world.

Get Involved Today

Every opinion counts! Take 15 surveys in 15 minutes to win a $100 gift card and help one person facing hygiene poverty.

You have until May 7th to share up to 75 opinions to increase your chance of winning the prize and helping up to 5 people facing hygiene poverty.

Learn more about the HundredX campaign here.

Too late to enter? Don’t fret! Contribute to a circular economy by recycling your bras with one of our retail partners today.