The Bra Recyclers

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Boobtube [PODCAST]: Out With the Old - Elaine Birks-Mitchell Explains the Purpose of Recycling Bras

In the heart of our mission at The Bra Recyclers lies a commitment to sustainability, empowerment, and making a difference in the lives of women across the globe. 

Recently featured on the Boobtube podcast, our CEO, Elaine Birks-Mitchell, shared the inspiring journey of The Bra Recyclers, shedding light on the critical issues surrounding bras, women's health, and the challenges faced by those in need. 

Listen to the full episode on the Boobtube podcast below. Alternatively, keep reading to catch the highlights.

Unwanted Bras: Trash or Treasure?

Imagine a world where your old bras, tucked away and forgotten, have the power to empower and uplift other women. 

At The Bra Recyclers, this vision is our reality. 

Our sustainable approach involves transforming gently used bras into tools of empowerment for women experiencing homelessness, abuse, or simply in need of support.

Too "Sexy" to Recycle?

In our journey, we've encountered challenges in bra recycling. Since the women we serve need bras for comfort, safety, and support - some bras are deemed "too sexy" for our mission. 

A large demographic we serve is students in Title 1 schools or women who have faced sexual abuse - so this type of lingerie is inappropriate.

But since our commitment extends beyond just providing bras, we are responsible for disposing of textile waste. For any bras that we don't donate, we send them to our textile recycling utilities, where they can be used as rags to fill items like punching bags.

These punching bags can further aid our mission by serving as empowering tools, offering a physical outlet for stress relief and self-defense training.

So, the environmental impacts of recycling bras are clear. But the social effects are far more significant than most people imagine.

Bras are a Tool for Saftey

Elaine's perspective on bras as tools for safety rather than societal beauty standards is a narrative rarely explored. 

On the Boobtube podcast, we highlighted the stark reality faced by women on the streets, where concealing breasts is often a safety measure against potential abuse

Whether used to deter sexual assault on the streets or, in extreme cases in Africa - bras help girls facing puberty conceal their breasts to avoid harmful practices like breast ironing.

Where are Bras in Most Demand?


The availability of properly fitting bras becomes a pressing matter, as they are crucial in providing security and dignity. 

Many women, fearing potential violence or abuse, resort to wearing multiple layers or ill-fitting bras to camouflage their bodies.

By addressing this fundamental need, we aim to restore comfort and confidence to those grappling with homelessness, acknowledging that the right bra can be a small yet impactful step towards reclaiming one's sense of self amidst adversity.


Our commitment to empowerment extends to the younger generation, particularly students in middle school. The demand for bras in schools is surprising, as is the number of schools in the US that fall below the poverty line. 

Our ongoing focus is on providing sports bras for active young girls. Empowering these girls goes beyond just giving them bras; it's about enabling them to pursue their passions confidently and partake in sports and activities.


In collaboration with breast cancer support programs, we provide mastectomy bras and prostheses to survivors facing financial barriers. 

This crucial support ensures that every woman, regardless of her journey, has access to undergarments that promote comfort and dignity.

Challenges and triumphs have marked our journey, but our work is far from over

The Bra Recyclers' dedication to sustainability, empowerment, and supporting women in need is an ongoing mission. 

As we continue to revolutionize how we think about bras and women's empowerment, we invite you to join us in making a positive impact, one bra at a time.

Our Mission Starts and Ends with You

Clean out your drawers and participate in our bra recycling initiative. 

By recycling your gently used bras, you're providing comfort to someone in need and participating in an environmentally responsible textile recycling process. 

Let's turn bras that would otherwise end up in landfills into a source of support and empowerment. Every bra counts in making a positive impact on lives and the planet.