Ambassador Sadie Ward Creates Sustainable Art From Old Bras

Bra Recycling Ambassador Sadie Ward does amazing things with used bras. She was inspired by the accomplishments of women of history and the undergarments they had to wear in the 1800s and 1900s that was probably very uncomfortable. Her art is inspiring, and creative and makes use of materials that would ordinarily be thrown in the landfills. 

Local Artist in Minnesota and Ambassador Sadie Ward Creates Sustainable Art From Old Bras

Elaine Birks-Mitchell

We are a textile recycling company specializing in the recycling and reuse of new and gently used bras and new underwear. As a social enterprise we also support over 130 nonprofit organizations around the world with the donation of underwear. We know that dignity starts with feeling good undie-neath.

Iris Wells: Author, Community Advocate and a Recycling Ambassador


AZ Torch Ethics Awards Keynote Speaker - Elaine Birks-Mitchell