The Bra Recyclers Welcomes bra fitting studio as our newest recycling ambassador


We're excited to share some fantastic news with our community – Bra Fitting Salon has officially joined us as a Recycling Ambassador! Their commitment to sustainable practices and expertise in the lingerie world aligns perfectly with our mission at The Bra Recyclers.

Why Bra Recycling Matters

In the world of fashion, bras often end up as overlooked contributors to environmental waste. Each year, millions of bras find their way to landfills. At The Bra Recyclers, we've been dedicated to changing this narrative by providing a sustainable solution to an everyday problem.

Bra Fitting Salon's Role

As a Recycling Ambassador, Bra Fitting Salon is not only a leader in the fitting room but is also championing environmental responsibility. We are thrilled to welcome them to our network of partners working towards a greener planet.

How You Can Get Involved

Whether you're a loyal customer of Bra Fitting Salon or someone passionate about sustainable practices, you can play a crucial role in this eco-friendly initiative. If you’re local to Bonita Springs, simply drop your gently used bras off at Bra Fitting Salon. These bras will be collected and sent to us for proper recycling.

Support Women in Need and Make a Sustainable Impact

By supporting this partnership, you're contributing not only to environmental sustainability but also helping women in need. The recycled bras find new homes through organizations that support women during challenging times.

Visit Bra Fitting Salon to discover more about their commitment to sustainability and how you can be part of this meaningful journey.

Together, we're making strides towards a greener future while positively impacting the lives of women in need. We're grateful for the partnership with Bra Fitting Salon and look forward to the positive changes we can create together.

Elaine Birks-Mitchell

We are a textile recycling company specializing in the recycling and reuse of new and gently used bras and new underwear. As a social enterprise we also support over 130 nonprofit organizations around the world with the donation of underwear. We know that dignity starts with feeling good undie-neath.

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