How Your Recycled Bras and Underwear Provide Job Opportunities to Underserved Communities


At The Bra Recyclers, we are dedicated to giving a second life to gently used bras and new through sustainable textile recycling. Our mission goes beyond just recycling clothing; we aim to make a positive impact on individuals and communities in need.

We were truly touched by the heartfelt testimonial we received from St. Joseph the Worker, one of the non-profits we support, highlighting the impact of your recycled bras on their mission to address unemployment challenges.

Supporting Employment Opportunities

The donation of 3 boxes of bras and underwear may seem like a small gesture, but its impact on the work of St. Joseph the Worker is significant. By providing essential undergarments, we are contributing to their efforts to help individuals secure quality employment.

Access to clean and appropriate clothing, including undergarments, plays a crucial role in boosting the confidence and well-being of job seekers. Our partnership with St. Joseph the Worker exemplifies how your simple acts of generosity can make a difference in the lives of those striving to overcome challenges and build a brighter future.

Empowering Through Collaboration

The testimonial from Cassidy Penney, Development Officer at St. Joseph the Worker, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of collaboration in creating positive change. By working together, we can amplify our impact and reach more individuals in need.

We are grateful for the opportunity to support the vital work of organizations like St. Joseph the Worker and are committed to continuing our collaboration to empower individuals through employment opportunities.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on the impact of our bra drive, we are inspired to explore new initiatives and projects that can further support job seekers in our community. The testimonial from St. Joseph the Worker motivates us to seek out innovative ways to make a difference and create lasting change.

If there are specific initiatives or projects that our team can be a part of in the future, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate and make a meaningful impact together.

Our partnership with St. Joseph the Worker deeply resonates with our mission at The Bra Recyclers. Recycling undergarments is not just about sustainability; it is about empowering individuals, providing essential support, and creating opportunities for a brighter future. Together, through acts of kindness and collaboration, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our recyclers, and our recycling ambassadors, who have enabled us to rebuild our communities in a meaningful and progressive way. Thank you to St. Joseph the Worker for your dedication to transforming lives through employment.

Want to Help Provide More Job Opportunities?

If you’d like to learn more about how you can impact our community, consider collecting gently used bras and new underwear with tags to send to us via our recycling form.

Alternatively, if you’re a retailer or business looking to make an impact while showing your customer you care for the planet and it’s people - learn more about partnerships here.

Elaine Birks-Mitchell

We are a textile recycling company specializing in the recycling and reuse of new and gently used bras and new underwear. As a social enterprise we also support over 130 nonprofit organizations around the world with the donation of underwear. We know that dignity starts with feeling good undie-neath.

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