Behind Closed Drawers: Redefining Men's Health Awareness Month this November

November is an important time for men's health awareness, as it marks the observance of various initiatives aimed at promoting and addressing the health needs of men.

Throughout this month, organizations and individuals come together to raise awareness about the challenges and issues that affect men's physical and mental well-being.

November at The Bra Recyclers is GuysGiving ✊

We’re raising awareness for men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Sparking conversations about these critical health concerns and raising funds for research, prevention, and support programs. This November, we’re asking people to recycle men’s new underwear.

Since we strive to support underserved communities through the gift of underwear, we’re here to raise awareness of the health issues men in poverty face.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men, with early detection playing a significant role in successful outcomes.

However, for men experiencing hardship - access to healthcare and insurance is limited, and the costs involved in screening and treatment for prostate cancer are a financial burden most can’t afford.

Men who face these challenges - often have little to no essentials, like clean underwear - which can prevent infections and other health complications associated with poor hygiene.

As much as we need to encourage men to take charge of their health, we must use this month to consider those who have no choice.


Breaking the Stigma 🧠

Another crucial aspect of men's health awareness in November is the promotion of mental well-being. Many men face challenges when seeking help for mental health issues, often due to societal pressures and stigmas.

Our GuysGiving campaign aims to break the stigma surrounding men’s mental health by normalizing the conversation around confidence, self-esteem, and social issues that surround men living under the line of poverty.

Another challenge for men in our society is the immense pressure and expectation to be the breadwinners.

Men are expected to be strong, capable, and show no sign of weakness, which can hugely strain their mental health and cause them to put their own mental and physical needs on the back foot to prioritize their family.

For men living beneath the poverty line, they’ll often ensure their families have a roof over their heads and food on the table before addressing their need for essentials like underwear.

Why is Underwear Essential for Men's Health Awareness Month? 🩲

Beyond just lessening men's financial burden, your recycled underwear can increase their mental and physical wellness when all else feels lost:

Mental Wellness

  • A sense of security 

  • Confidence

  • Dignity

Physical Wellness

  • Hygiene equity

  • Reduced risk of infections and UTIs

  • Comfort 

The impact of underwear goes far beyond concealing the goods. The ripple effect of recycled underwear means men facing hardship can break the barriers between them and functioning society.

Their sense of dignity and confidence can be a stepping stone during the transition from hardship to employment.

Improved hygiene and health can empower them to focus on what matters most, like family and community involvement.

Who We'll Help During GuysGiving

At The Bra Recyclers, our long-lasting partnerships with several organizations nationwide mean we can reach underserved men through transitional programs and shelters.

Just a few of the nonprofits we partner with include:

How You Can Join GuysGiving this Men's Health Awareness Month

#1 Spread the Word! 🗣️

Men's Health Awareness Month is about raising awareness and breaking stigmas, so the more we talk and start the conversation, the more impactful our mission will be. 

#2 Invite Guys to Our Page 👍

Our mission has always been focused on helping women, leading to a large female following for which we are grateful.

Unfortunately, our mission to promote men's underwear often goes unnoticed. However, as we now support the entire family, we need the help of our female followers to encourage a more diverse recycling community.

If it's the only thing you can do, please share our social media with your husbands, partners, brothers, sons, fathers, uncles, cousins, and fraternity brothers!

Just follow the links below to invite your fellas.

#3 - Host an Undie Drive 📦

Whether you're passionate about our GuysGiving initiative or a business looking to make a difference while reducing your environmental impact, you can host an undie drive to collect as many unwanted, new pairs of undies as possible.

#4 - Become a Recycling Ambassador 🌟

This can be a temporary commitment every November, or you can sign up to join our cause year-round by becoming a Recycling Ambassador.

Since we need boys' and men's underwear, retailers who stock these products would make a great addition to our community of ambassadors.

Our partnership provides a solution for retailers to dispose of their overstock and returns responsibly - engaging their customers who prioritize sustainability and joining a stewardship program to align with ESG guidelines.

#5 - Recycle Undies! ♻️

If you already have unwanted, new underwear with tags, you can get started immediately by using our recycling form and shipping your items our way.

When we receive your items, we'll sort them and fill requests from nonprofits we support.

Thanks For Celebrating GuysGiving for Men's Health Awareness in November!

For more information or access to our social media assets, please get in touch with us at

In the meantime, look for our GuysGiving posts on social media so you can share them with your male loved ones and join our cause.

Thank you for being so supportive this November!

Elaine Birks-Mitchell

We are a textile recycling company specializing in the recycling and reuse of new and gently used bras and new underwear. As a social enterprise we also support over 130 nonprofit organizations around the world with the donation of underwear. We know that dignity starts with feeling good undie-neath.

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